Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Voulez vous couchez.......

Forcing children into French Exchanges has long been blamed for perpetuating the antipathy between the British and their nearest European neighbours. But Graham Norton's new autobiography reveals a previously under-reported educational value to these visits when he relates how he lost his virginity to a boy called Jules.
Eartha Kitt used to sing that an Englishman takes his time but Jules was also skilled at biding his time. Chez Norton in Ireland, he was the model guest and kept his hormones in check. But once Graham was under his roof in France he made his move in a carefully planned and premeditated way.
On one occasion when he showed Graham his erection, Graham, with admirable presence of mind, remembered the purpose of these visits and asked him what it was called in French. Nor was this something Graham added in his book for comic effect. It comes from a diary he kept at the time. I suspect it took more courage for him to publish these excruciatingly embarrassing extracts from his teenage diary than some of the explicit sexual details which are what have become one of his television trademarks.

So Me by Graham Norton is published by Hodder Stoughton at £18.99.


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